On a Mission at Crazy Poker...
Many online poker sites make it very hard for us nickel & dime players to cash out. Well I marched backed… Well, clicked on Crazy Poker to continue my quest to bring my balance back up to $50.00. Then I could withdraw my money. I earned this money, and I want it. It’s funny, you can deposit $25.00 but only withdraw $50.00.
I started out as usual at a 6 player .05 - .10 NL Holdem table. Started with $6.00 and was only going to play premium hands. I folded 15 hands in a row until I pick up pocket jacks under the gun. Hmmmm, this sounds familiar. I got the same hand Saturday night at my home game on the 3rd hand. I overplayed them and was knocked out of the game. Well I want some action so I raised to .30 and 3 players called. The flop was all low cards with 2 hearts, neither of my jacks were a heart so I’m out of position with a flush draw on the board. The pot is $1.35 so I bet $.90. One player calls, the turn is a Jack of hearts. Boy is that bitter sweet. I catch trips, but now there is a flush on the board. I bet out another $.90 and get a quick call. Geeze, how do I get into these hands? The river is rag. Now what? I’ve made 2 good size bets and have no idea where I am in the hand. I bet another $.40, why? Who knows? He now raises to $1.00. Now I have to pay another $.60 to see this dude’s 2 hearts. Ok, I call. Cards flip up and he has a 10 5 of hearts. Now I’m under $3.00. This is not going well.
I double up back to my original $6.00 when I call with pocket 6’s and flop comes ace king six. One player raises all in, I call. He has ace king, and my trips held up. I finally build my chip stack up to over $13.00 when I catch a great run of cards. I was over $50.00 and my hand limit so I signed off the table and headed to the withdraw window. Lets see what excuses they come up with this time.
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